Victoria, in fact Vancouver Island, is a walkers mecca and there are numerous walking groups to choose from. After joining the YMCA-YWCA I decided (for now) on the Tuesday morning women 50+ walking group. Many of the walkers don't belong to the Y but our $30.00 a year "fee" is a donation to the Y's Thunderbird Camp in Sooke. I've learned that many of the walkers are retired librarians by and with my arrival it was a toss up whether to call the group the Librarian Walkers or stay with the Y Walkers. No competition here, we stayed with the Y Walkers!! The walks average 2 hours each with a snack break.
Brentwood Bay |
On October 5th we walked from Brentwood Bay through Gowland Tod Provincial Park to Tod Inlet which at the foot of Buchart Gardens. Before starting the walk we went down to the public dock at Brentwood Bay and were delighted to see numerous pink starfish in all shapes and sizes in the water.
When we arrived at Tod Inlet we were treated to the sight of the S.V. Duen at anchor. Acccording to their website, The S.V. Duen is one of those lovely sailing ships that offers exploration trips around the West Coast. We ran into the exuberant young students from Calgary who were preparing to go for their adventure sail. Tod Inlet itself has an interesting history as an early settlement of the Vancouver Portland Cement Co. Remains of the settlement and the cement company were clearly evident.
Below are pictures of the WWII cairn from Dennison and the view from the fence around the cairn.
hi linda, this is very intersting, hope this comment gets to you...Pat