I have a basic motto: Carry a camera whenever possible. Victoria abounds with photographic opportunities, particularly in the area where I live. A 10 minutes walk one way will take me to the ocean along Dallas Road or to Beacon Hill Park, while a 15 minute walk will have me downtown and in sight of the Royal BC Museum, the Parliament Buildings, Chateau Victoria, and the harbour.
Last Friday morning I walked down to Clover Point. The tide was fairly low and I was lucky to watch a very casual otter come out of the water to dry itself off and rest before returning to the water to fish. It was completely unconcerned about my close proximity while I was taking photographs. I learned later that there is a family of otters living in the general area and they have become somewhat urbanized which explains their comfort level with people being around.
When the wind is up we often see windsurfers out on the bay or paragliders surfing the cliffs along Dallas Road. This particular Friday it was a paraglider who took advantage of the upwind to enjoy his sport and invite himself into my lens!!
Victoria enjoys a sub-mediterranean climate and the blossoms and flowers have an almost exotic quality about them. With their size, profusion and colours it has been a delight to photograph them over the past few weeks.